Latest News

The Wrap-Up of “Business Design and Business Model Development for Community Initiatives” program

The Wrap-Up of “Business Design and Business Model Development for Community Initiatives” program

The Wrap-Up of “Strategic Repositioning” program

The Wrap-Up of “Strategic Repositioning” program

Conclusion of the Leadership Forum 2024

Conclusion of the Leadership Forum 2024

Accreditation of Strategic Planning Program

Accreditation of Strategic Planning Program

Holding a Seminar on “How to Successfully Apply Quality Standards and Institutional Excellence Criteria in Organizations and Companies?”

Holding a Seminar on “How to Successfully Apply Quality Standards and Institutional Excellence Criteria in Organizations and Companies?”

Holding a Seminar on Digital Transformation Strategies

Holding a Seminar on Digital Transformation Strategies

Accreditation of Productivity Boosting Program

Accreditation of Productivity Boosting Program

Completion of the Training Needs Analysis Project for Almaali University

Completion of the Training Needs Analysis Project for Almaali University

Hosting a seminar on Corporate Governance in Companies and Organizations

Hosting a seminar on Corporate Governance in Companies and Organizations

Completion of Pedagogical Incubators Modeling Project for Hayat Association

Completion of Pedagogical Incubators Modeling Project for Hayat Association

Personal Strategic Planning Program Conclusion

Personal Strategic Planning Program Conclusion

The Wrap-Up of Business Design and Modeling

The Wrap-Up of Business Design and Modeling

The Wrap-Up of Know Yourself and Understand Others

The Wrap-Up of Know Yourself and Understand Others

Completion of the Business Model Development Project for the Wijdan Charity Association

Completion of the Business Model Development Project for the Wijdan Charity Association

The Fifth Annual Leadership Forum 2023

The Fifth Annual Leadership Forum 2023

Accreditation of “Know Yourself and Understand Others” Program by CPD

Accreditation of “Know Yourself and Understand Others” Program by CPD

Holding a  Webinar on the “Role of Coaching in Managerial  Leadership”

Holding a Webinar on the “Role of Coaching in Managerial Leadership”

The wrap-up of the  “Human Resource Management for Non-Specialists”  Program

The wrap-up of the  “Human Resource Management for Non-Specialists”  Program

Accreditation of ” Wejhaty- Personal Strategic Positioning” Program by CPD

Accreditation of ” Wejhaty- Personal Strategic Positioning” Program by CPD

Membership in CPD

Membership in CPD

Completion  of the EFQM Based Organizational Assessment Project for A&J Real Estate Services

Completion  of the EFQM Based Organizational Assessment Project for A&J Real Estate Services

Conclusion of the Strategic Development Project for 2P Company

Conclusion of the Strategic Development Project for 2P Company

The wrap-up of the Organizational Recovery Program

The wrap-up of the Organizational Recovery Program

Holding the closing ceremony of ELA’s work for the year 2022 and honoring the distinguished clients

Holding the closing ceremony of ELA’s work for the year 2022 and honoring the distinguished clients

Holding a webinar “The Power of Procedures Management in Achieving Quality and Organizational Excellence”

Holding a webinar “The Power of Procedures Management in Achieving Quality and Organizational Excellence”

The wrap-up of the “Wajhaty” program – Personal Strategic Positioning

The wrap-up of the “Wajhaty” program – Personal Strategic Positioning

The Wrap-Up of the fourth session of the “Know Yourself and Understand Others” program with the Islamic Sham Association

The Wrap-Up of the fourth session of the “Know Yourself and Understand Others” program with the Islamic Sham Association

Holding a lecture on “Personality Styles, and How to Deal with Them”

Holding a lecture on “Personality Styles, and How to Deal with Them”

The Wrap-Up of the activities of the fourth annual leadership forum 2022

The Wrap-Up of the activities of the fourth annual leadership forum 2022

The completion of the first phase of the project “Developing the Strategic Plan for the Syrian Dialogue Center”

The completion of the first phase of the project “Developing the Strategic Plan for the Syrian Dialogue Center”

Holding a workshop on “Developing and Implementing Strategic Plans Using Balanced Scorecards (BSC)”

Holding a workshop on “Developing and Implementing Strategic Plans Using Balanced Scorecards (BSC)”

Establishing a productivity program and completing tasks according to the GTD methodology for Cham Accessory Company

Establishing a productivity program and completing tasks according to the GTD methodology for Cham Accessory Company

The Wrap-Up of the strategic development project for Tamkeen Company

The Wrap-Up of the strategic development project for Tamkeen Company

The participation of the Excellence and Leadership Academy in the second Arab-Turkish Business Summit

The participation of the Excellence and Leadership Academy in the second Arab-Turkish Business Summit

Holding a lecture on “Organizational Excellence – What is it and how do we achieve it?”

Holding a lecture on “Organizational Excellence – What is it and how do we achieve it?”

Create a webinar Why do organizations need innovation?

Create a webinar Why do organizations need innovation?

Excellence and Leadership Academy sponsors and participates in the Human Resources Forum 2022

Excellence and Leadership Academy sponsors and participates in the Human Resources Forum 2022

Wejhaty program registration as a reserved trademark

Wejhaty program registration as a reserved trademark

The wrap-up of the activities of the leadership challenge program

The wrap-up of the activities of the leadership challenge program

The Wrap-Up of the qualifying course for the pedagogical path (Taj Al-Waqar Camp 2)

The Wrap-Up of the qualifying course for the pedagogical path (Taj Al-Waqar Camp 2)

Sorry, the English version is under revision.